A Healthy Outside Starts from the Inside

We all need to take time to look after ourselves. But how often do we do so? Time just seems to fly by these days and people forget about self-care. There is such a wide variety of organisations, support groups, community groups, events and activities that can help improve your health and wellbeing, but where do you start? It can be so overwhelming and can often take courage to attend or visit these events. And sometimes you’re not even aware that these things exist!

‘Well Aware’ is a fantastic website with tonnes of local information for Bristol and South Gloucestershire. It focuses on Wellbeing through Nature, Learning Disabilities, Dementia, Mental Health, Community Transport and much more. It has a search facility to help you find local activities, events, groups and organisations that will help you to find something that suits you and your needs. From fitness classes and social groups to support groups and training, there is something for everyone!

Let’s start the New Year right,  be connected, well informed and healthy together.
