A Robin Good Show!

Do you remember I wrote on this newsfeed about my idea to put on a panto with a cast of local residents? After a lot of hard work and rehearsals, on 20th January 2024, we performed Robin Hood and The Babe in the Wood to a packed-out audience at the Greenway Centre. Thank you to everyone who came.

The show starred Will Rodgers as Robin Hood, he brought a magnetic energy to the stage. He had the audience on the edge of their seats and was perfectly cast and had only been in the role for under two weeks!  Nick Pearce, who played The Dame, brought the comedy through his interactions with the audience and other cast members. Sarahanne Brewer played the part of the Sheriff of Nottingham and had a big presence on stage with her evil ways and funny quips. Lily Majid played Maid Marion brilliantly and sang beautifully. Alfie Smith played the part of Little Joan and did it perfectly, especially with audience interaction, and also did a great job of the Dame’s make up. I played Dennis and was apparently very witty and entertaining! Sharon Dudbridge Played Friar Tuck brilliantly. When Lilly Short first joined us, she had never acted at this level before and she did a fabulous job. Skye Collacott Williamson played Alan-a-Dale rabbit – she was creative with the way she played the role and gave an original and comedic performance. The Panto was interactive, and everyone had a massive sing along. 

Jo said, “Big well done, it was a very fun pantomime. Myself and my friend really enjoyed it. I could tell how much hard work everyone had put into it.”
Alfie said, “I have loved being part of Robin Hood, the family we have made as being in the cast has been my favourite part of the show.”

Huge thanks to our Audience Volunteers – Sheralyn Fowler, Andie Fowler, Lucille Smith, Eve Payne, Steve Haddow, Joe Sims, Martin Evans, Dave Akbar and Kate Baxter.

We were delighted that our cake sale raised £137.86 for Cancer Research UK – thanks to everyone who made this happen.

If this all sounds like fun and you would like to get involved in future Southmead Players productions, you can contact me, Director, email: kristianbaxtersouthmeadplayers@gmail.com