Caring with Dennis and Simone

I am delighted to announce the opening of a new kind of care for North and West Bristol.  Here at the Southmead Development Trust we have created Greenway Care Connect with the purpose of giving more choice and control to those who need support.

We offer a service that truly allows people to live their lives in the way they want to, with the support of carers they truly enjoy spending time with.

We have opened up new, well-paid local work opportunities for residents to both support existing carers to remain in the care sector, and to bring good and reliable new workers to the industry.

I am enormously proud that despite many challenges we have now been able to launch a service which does everything we set out to do.

One of our clients is Dennis.  We have been working with Dennis and his family to find the right person to support him.  We connected him with Simone with whom he now spends two hours each week.  Simone is typical of the kind and enthusiastic care workers we carefully partner with at Greenway Care Connect.

Dennis and Simone now spend time playing games, reminiscing about things that are meaningful to Dennis, as well as planning weekend day trips.  I am absolutely delighted to have been able to facilitate this match which has brought a lot of joy to Dennis as well as Simone.  Dennis has chosen the times he would like to be supported, for how long, and what he would like support to do.

Everyone’s needs are different and you might need more hours with your Carer and support with different aspects of daily living such as personal care, cleaning, shopping, collecting children from school, or going to clubs and classes.  This flexible approach means greater wellbeing for both clients and their care-partners.

In the New Year I’m really looking forward to supporting many more people to find the right kind of care and the right kind of care work.  So if you and your family are thinking about how to meet care needs in 2023 please do get in touch with me to talk through plans and ideas: You can call me on 07376 067 980 or email