Charlie’s Train Adventures

Here at Link Forward we believe it’s important to encourage hobbies and interests which our young people have, and we love celebrating them. They are so knowledgeable about so much stuff! Let me introduce you to an enthusiast I know.

“Hello! My name is Charlie. I am fascinated by trains because I love learning new facts about them and riding on them to new places. I have lots of model trains at home and enjoy taking them apart to see how they work. My favourite train is The Flying Scotsman because it has a really interesting history. Did you know that in 1947 it de-railed near the village of Goswick, Northumberland? The Inter-City 125 is another one of my favourites but unfortunately it was scrapped because everybody thought it was boring!”

To find out more info about our work with children and young people, or to ask Charlie a question about trains, do contact me on or tel: 0117 950 3335

Read the Link Forward story by Vicky Wall HERE

Would you like to tell us about a passion or hobby you have? We’d love to hear all about it! Send us an email at and we can share it for you.