Come on Board! Activities for Older People

Come on Board is a collaborative project with older people at its heart. The project was born from a coming together of nine Bristol-based organisations with the shared aim of making it easy for anyone over the age of 50 to get physically active.

Funded by Bristol Ageing Better and The Big Lottery Fund, Come on Board is made up of: Alive, All-Aboard Watersports, Avon Wildlife Trust, Bristol Community Transport, BS3 Community Development, Clifton Exercise Club, Gloucestershire Cricket Board, BS7 Gym and Lifecycle UK.

These organisations, under the banner of Come on Board, offer a huge variety of physical activities completely free of charge to get those over the age of 50 out and about into the brilliant City of Bristol. We firmly believe that the activities we offer not only improve health and wellbeing, lowering the risk of physical and mental illness and disease, but also directly tackle the deeper issues of social isolation and loneliness. Through the social coming together for activities, and through encouraging mobility and independence, we believe getting moving has the power to have a profound positive affect as we age.

Activities available –

  • Sailing
  • Guided Walks
  • Gardening
  • Walking Cricket
  • Cycling
  • Qi Gong
  • Zumba Gold
  • Kayaking
  • Powerboat Trips
  • Reminiscence Sessions
  • Multi-Watersport Sessions
  • Strength and Conditioning
  • Functional Fitness
  • Gig Rowing

If you would like to take part in one of the activities or know someone who would benefit from them please visit to find out how to book onto the activities.