Community Navigators can help you get out and about

Are you over 50? Would you like to link up with others? Find out what’s happening in your local community? Then Community Navigators Bristol can help. 

This free service provides signposting and support to people over 50 who want to do more in their local area. People like Maggie, an 86 year old widow who lives alone with her dog, Jasper. Maggie was referred to Community Navigators by her GP after a series of health problems left her unable to drive, unconfident about leaving the house, and feeling lonely. Maggie felt her life had become dull and “boring”.

Community Navigator Sarah visited Maggie in her home and took the time to get to know her and find out what was important to her. Maggie was very sociable and missed having regular visitors. She was worried about Jasper because she couldn’t walk him regularly.

Sarah referred Maggie to the Good Gym. She now has a runner who visits her for a chat each week. Next, she linked up with The Cinnamon Trust who organised a dog walker five times a week. Sarah went with Maggie the first time she visited the local Friendly Club as she felt shy going on her own. Now Maggie goes regularly and has made new friends. Next she fancies trying the local singing group!    

“Talking to Sarah made me feel better and now I can look at joining clubs,” Maggie said. “Life gets harder as you get older but people like Sarah bring a breath of life and cheer you up.”

Community Navigators can also help people tackle any concerns they have about getting out and about – including safety, transport or money worries – by connecting them with other community and health services.

If you, or someone you know, is over 50 and feeling isolated, get in touch with Community Navigators.  In north Bristol, contact Laura on 0117 951 5751 or email In central, south or east Bristol call Simone on 0117 440 9100 or email 

Community Navigators Bristol is run by a partnership of trusted local organisations and is funded by Bristol Ageing Better.