Disability History Month Comes to Bristol

Disability History Month runs from 22 November to 22 December, and the theme for 2018 is ‘music.’
In partnership with Drake Music and The M-Shed, Bristol Disability Equality Forum is bringing a celebration of music and performance by Disabled people.

As well as performances by local Disabled musicians, including the Electric Storm Ensemble, there will an opportunity to learn how about the past, present and future of Disabled people’s music and performance. There will information stalls and more.

The event is free, but places limited. The venue is wheelchair accessible and BSL interpreters will be available, but please let us know about any other access needs.

Also at the M-Shed there will also be a chance to visit ‘Rest Room’, a new piece about resting spaces by Rachel Messeguer, one of the UK’s (and Bristol’s) emerging Disabled arts activists

To book a place, or for more details contact Bristol Disability Equality Forum

Email bristoldef@gmail.com 

Or call 0117 914 0528