Easter Fun & Food at The Ranch for Southmead Families

Our Youth and Play team is delighted to announce an ‘eggciting’ and free programme of activities for children and families in our community.  During the Easter holidays there will be eight days of fun and food at the Ranch (Southmead Adventure Playground), from Monday to Thursday, with three sessions each day.

The events are part of a national programme funded by the Department for Education.  Local authorities have been allocated funding based on the number of children and young people in receipt of benefits related free school meals.

Bristol City Council is working with partners like us, across the city, to deliver a programme of fun activities and meals during the Easter holidays.  They are supporting us to ensure sessions are Covid-19 secure and that public health guidance is followed.

Our Youth and Play team leader, James Creed, has been liaising closely with Southmead’s schools to make sure all families know about the Easter plans, and that especially those who receive free school meals know there will be tasty nosh on offer.

James says, “We are working with a wonderful community organisation called Travelling Kitchen who will be cooking up a treat for our local families.  The meals will be made from scratch, nutritious, but totally delicious!

“We’re hoping we’ll get some sunny spells so that kids will bring their bikes and get on the bike track.  The team from Life Cycle UK will be with us for some sessions to offer support with bike fun and games.

“To keep things really Covid safe our family sessions need to be booked, but we’ve also got open drop-ins for ages 8-12.  We can’t wait to see everyone enjoying The Ranch again, it’s been too long!”.

The Easter holiday programme dates and times are below.  If you would like more info or to book a session, please email: jamescreed@southmead.org.  If you would like to volunteer to help out at the Southmead Adventure Playground please go to ‘get involved’ at southmead.org.

with thanks to:




Easter Holidays at The Ranch April 2021