Join residents in Henbury and Brentry for their first ever Feel Good Day on Saturday 13th May! Expect loads of free activities for the whole family, such as a mobile climbing wall, kid’s go karts, human hamster balls, information on health & wellbeing, massages & alternative therapies and much much more. This event focuses on wellbeing, marking the last weekend of Mental Health Awareness Week, in which the ‘Five Ways to Wellbeing’ is being celebrated across the city. Whilst we know that five fruit and veg a day helps us to stay physically healthy, we’re less aware of the way we can stay emotionally healthy. Throughout the week we’ll be exploring the Five Ways to Wellbeing, with activities taking place to help us connect, be active, take notice, learn and give. In Henbury and Brentry, we’re bringing this all together for our Feel Good Day. If you’re interested in helping out during the day, we are looking for willing volunteers (free tea/coffee and sandwiches for willing volunteers!) To find out more, contact Wendy on 07933 155 091. Event details: Saturday 13th May, 10 – 4pm, Barnard Park, Crow Lane, the library and Henbury and Brentry Community Centre (Machin Road)