From Bags to Riches for Cancer Charity


So confident they’ll never need their larger sizes again, slimmer’s across Southmead have raised £2850 by donating the clothes they’ve successfully slimmed out of to Cancer Research UK.

The Southmead slimming World groups collected a phenomenal 114 bags of clothes, shoes, homeware and accessories as part of the Big Golden Slimming World Clothes Throw.

The bags will be donated to local Cancer Research UK shops as part of the national fundraising campaign, which this year goes ‘gold’ as Slimming World celebrates its 50th birthday year. As part of the Big Golden Slimming World Clothes Throw, anyone who finds a special golden bag is in with a chance to win a VIP shopping and makeover experience.

The Big Golden Slimming World Clothes Throw aims to raise awareness of how keeping a healthy weight can reduce the risk of developing some types of cancer. Each of the filled bags is worth around £25 to the charity, and this year’s campaign is aiming to beat the total raised in 2018 – an incredible £3million in just two weeks. Since 2012 the partnership has generated more than £12million worth of stock.

As well as fundraising, the partnership between Slimming World and Cancer Research UK aims to raise awareness of the links between obesity and cancer. Since 2012 the partnership has generated more than £12million.

Seeing members donate their too-big clothes is just the cherry on top for me as a Consultant. What I find so special is seeing members transform before my eyes as they lose weight. Many go from shy, apprehensive individuals who join with their confidence at rock bottom. They don’t believe they could ever lose the weight they dream of losing. When I look them in the eye and tell them they absolutely can be the size they want to be – whatever that is – and that I truly believe in them, things start to change.