It’s a Wonderful Life, Southmead

A local project to bring a monthly cinema to Southmead is now underway showing classic films and movies we may have missed. So far Casablanca, Alfred Hitchcock’s Rear Window, and Breakfast at Tiffany’s have been enjoyed by residents.  The current organiser, Serge Chapman, told us, “One thing everyone’s really enjoying is deciding which film we show next – we all have vote which means we always watch what someone wants to see”.

The cinema has been funded through the Bristol Ageing Better Community Kick Start Fund, which helps local groups to do something for older and isolated people in their community. With tea and cake, as well as plans to offer a minibus collection service, the aim of the cinema project is to make it welcoming and accessible for everyone in the Southmead Community. Serge said, “We had a chap come to Casablanca who told me he hasn’t been to the cinema for 30 years and thought it was such a treat”.

To keep the cinema running, Serge needs to find volunteers interested in film or supporting older people, “What we need now is some keen individuals who don’t mind putting in a few hours every month to organise posters and promotion. It won’t take much, just some helpers with a passion for cinema”.

The next showing is at 1.30 p.m. on Wednesday 7th December, at the Southmead Community Centre. The film is the Christmas classic It’s a Wonderful Life. Tickets cost £3.00 and include tea and cake. If you are interested in coming along, or volunteering, please call Serge on 0117 950 3335.

Venue: Southmead Community Centre, 248 Greystoke Avenue, Southmead, BS10 6BQ, tel: 0117 950 118