Making Southmead History: Meadows To Meaders Project

As part of the launch for the Meadows to Meaders project, Ascot Road took on a 1930s theme for the street party on Sunday 25th September. Kids enjoyed the car-free street for the day, covering the road with chalk pictures, skipping, and cycling. Meanwhile their Parents and Grandparents shared stories, photographs and memorabilia about Southmead’s past. Travelling Kitchen gave a taste of 1930s cookery in advance of their cookery workshops at Orchard Secondary School.

If you were at the party you might be forgiven for not realising that the George V post box was actually only a cardboard replica! Resident Mike Murch gave us a series of images from a VE Day street party on Fonthill Road, as well as the picture, featured, of his father riding behind Harry Curtis, on Southmead Road, in the early 1930s.

We have now added several images to the council’s Know Your Place website where there was previously none. Please share your memories with us; do you recall Southmead’s first Teddy Boys, a particular incident at school, events at your church, the Youth Club, or anything else?

Post your stories and pictures in the Meadows to Meaders pillar box, which is now in the SCART Shop; or bring them along to the 50+ Forum, at the Southmead Community Centre, this Friday.

Do put your contact details on the back so we can return them.  Also, Bristol Old Vic are collecting ideas for a 1930s soap opera to be performed by local residents, next summer, in Ascot Road; and Tot Foster is creating an exhibition of Southmead objects from the past. So do get in touch and be part of this wonderful Southmead project (please email Ruth Myers).