Southmead Regeneration Masterplan Information Goes Live!

By Regeneration Project Team

It has been a whirlwind few months for the regeneration team at Southmead Development Trust (SDT) but all the hard work has paid off. The project team made up of architects, planners, council officers, community volunteers and representatives as well as trustees and staff from SDT have worked tirelessly to create a masterplan showing the new regeneration for the area.
For many weeks the team having been meeting you, the people of Southmead, to find out what you want for the future of the area. Gathering opinions, ideas and designs and turning them into a vision for a thriving and sustainable Southmead for years to come.
Available now on the website is full The Masterplan report and drawings, there is also a summary of the Masterplan in case you don’t have time to read the full document. We have also made hard copies available for people to browse at the Greenway Centre reception, the library, Southmead Community Association and the SCART shop.
Over the next 6-8 months we will move onto the next stage of consultation and engagement looking at detailed design options and proposals for the improvements to Arnside road, pavements, parking and landscaping as well as the masterplan proposals for Glencoyne square.
There is plenty more to do and we need your help. It is important for us to hear what you would like to be considered, now we have taken those considerations and drawn up the first draft, as we work on detailed design. The masterplan gives an overview of the next steps and we advertise public consultation sessions via the noticeboards, website etc.