Meadows to Meaders Outreach

Orchard School Bristol continue to play a pivotal role in our community soap opera and we are delighted to have them participating again, some back for a second time.


Meadows to Meaders 2017 © Paul Blakemore

The Made in Bristol team is a group of 12 young people aged 18-25 who become resident at Bristol Old Vic for 2 days a week for a year. The team worked with students from Orchard School Bristol and Badock’s Wood Primary School to explore Southmead’s connection to the 70 year old friendship between Bristol and Hannover, from 1947, when a defeated and demoralised Germany were emerging from the devastation.  Many people were destitute, had little food or clothing, with some even without footwear.  Children from across Bristol sent food parcels, toys and pairs of shoes to schools in poverty-stricken Hannover. The people of Southmead were among the first to take those tentative footsteps forward and, building on that earliest gesture of goodwill, welcomed German children into their homes.

Image from Wege aus dem Chaos (1985 Ernst Kabel Verlag GmbH, Hamburg) by Th. Grabe, R. Hollmann and K.Mlynek

We are particularly indebted to Orchard Secondary School’s partnership manager, Helen Howard, who always champions our projects and works very hard to promote opportunities such as Meadows to Meaders so that Orchard students can enjoy the rewards gained from working with members of their community.