Meet Sue Mountstevens

We are all invited to meet Sue Mountstevens, the Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner. On: Monday 20th March, at: 7 pm until 8.30 pm, address: Main Hall, Greenway Centre, Doncaster Road, Southmead, Bristol, BS10 3PY, tel: 0117 950 3335.

The Henbury, Brentry and Southmead Neighbourhood Partnership has invited Sue Mountstevens to listen to resident’s comments, questions, and concerns about our neighbourhood. The original focus of the invite was the issue of drugs and dealing and where that sits in her policing priorities. But residents have other questions about the siting of the new Police Station; domestic abuse; hate crime; the future of the PCSOs and Neighbourhood policing teams; and the impact of budget reductions.

Please email any comments, questions, or concerns you’d like to raise and we will hold them for the event:

Please share with your friends, neighbours and colleagues.

The Neighbourhood Partnership thanks the Southmead Development Trust for supporting this event.