Planned New Development at Westbury Fields BS10 – Have Your Say

As you may know, St Monica Trust is developing plans for a new building on land adjacent to the existing Westbury Fields Retirement Village and Bristol Free School.  The site is between Charlton Road and Greystoke Avenue just off Passage Road.

The current village is a mixture of 150 apartments for older people and a care home which accommodates around 90 people. 

Our aim is that the new building will become the focal point for residents of the retirement village with facilities that will also be available to the local community, to foster better integration of the village within the local area.

We would love to know how you feel about the options that we are considering by completing this survey.  We would like to hear the opinions of as many people as possible. 

To access the survey please follow this link:

You don’t have to give your name and all responses will be completely anonymised.  If you are happy to provide your details, there is a box at the end of the survey where you can complete your details to join our mailing list to receive further updates about the development when they are available.  Or you can email us at the address below to have your name added without including it in this questionnaire.

There are 10 questions, and there is space for you to expand on your answers when you have more to add to your response.  It should only take around 5 minutes to complete unless you would like to take the time to provide any further comments. 

Alternatively, you can email us at