SEND Support in Southmead

Link Forward, our Children and Young People’s Social Prescribing service, was thrilled to welcome SEND and You to the Greenway Centre last week. Send and You provides the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support service in Bristol and South Gloucestershire. 

We had almost 30 parents and carers attend the two information and advice sessions. We were blown away by the love and determination of these parents to provide the best possible support for their children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). The facilitators did a brilliant job explaining some of the legal framework surrounding the support that children with SEND are entitled to in education and beyond. They then spent time answering individual questions and sharing advice.

We were really pleased that so many people were able to come and that everybody found it helpful.  We will be holding another event for anybody who couldn’t make it this time. Dates to come soon so keep an eye on the Greenway Centre Facebook page for updates.

Thanks again to SEND and You for providing such valuable support. If you’d like to find out more about SEND and You and how they provide advice and guidance, click HERE.