Southmead in Lockdown – a community collection of writing by residents

The Mead is collating your stories, poems, photos, and thoughts for a new collection – Southmead in Lockdown.
This is a time we’ll look back on one day and want to share with future generations.
Please write your experiences down. How is it for you? How is it for your family? What are you doing, not doing, thinking, feeling. Can you express it?
Are you bereaved, lonely, happy, frustrated, struggling, going round the bend, or quite content with your new temporary way of life?
Submit your piece to our website so we can share it immediately to inspire other residents, and so we can save it to publish in a collection when we get to the other side of this.
Do tell any offline residents and pass on that if they want to hand-write their piece we will find someone to type it up.
Help us to record this moment in our community’s history – share your experience. Submit to