Team Southmead Cleans the River Trym

Last January some of the Team Southmead volunteers met a dedicated team of Trym Litter Pickers who, despite the cold, turned out to litter pick the banks of the Trym and from Doncaster Road up to the source of the Trym.

We admired their spirits on this very cold January day and learnt how to do a professional litter picking job.  As good Meaders we promised to keep their good work in “Trym” all year so it was with much enthusiasm that a small band of us, including lots of enthusiastic children and our two Councillors Helen Godwin and Brenda Massey, turned out in November, to use the new Team Southmead Litter Picking kit and got going.  Two supermarket trolleys later, a pile of electricals, some china, and this time only one syringe (unlike last time) were carefully disposed off in the correct place and lots of grubby gloves later we cleaned the banks of the Trym.  If you love the Mead please please don’t let our lovely green spaces be plagued by fly tipping – we deserve and want better.