The Mead Printed Edition is Back!

We are delighted to announce that with help from the Southmead Development Trust we are going to start re-printing The Mead.  This means our offline residents will once again get all the news you want to share.

Please submit your items for publication on this website (register first and follow the instructions) and we’ll print as many items as we possibly can.

Submit your item by Friday 22nd April for inclusion in the mid-May printed edition.

All items are free to submit to the website – just go ahead.

If you are an organisation in Southmead we may contact you to ask about a donation to publish your item in the printed edition.

If you are an organisation outside of Southmead, please check out our advertising rates and send us an email so we can discuss whether your item is editorial, an advert, or an ‘advertorial’.

If you can volunteer to help deliver The Mead to locations in Southmead, or would like us to print enough copies for you to deliver to your street, do get in touch, we’d love to hear from you.

We’re very excited about the next edition, but please bear with us – it’s been two years since we’ve printed so we’re beginning slowly!

Contact email: