Exciting work to improve Avonmouth Household Waste & Recycling Centre (otherwise known as ‘the tip’) has begun.
The redeveloped site will have better access for residents, improved traffic flow to reduce waiting times, extra capacity to meet growing demand, improved safety and more material streams for recycling.
In addition to this, the new site will also be home to Bristol’s first ever reuse shop at a recycling centre. The shop will divert good quality, pre-loved items from the waste stream; providing low cost household products such as televisions, furniture and vacuums, for residents.
By redirecting reusable items from disposal, it will reduce costs, save valuable resources and help us reach our ambitious recycling target of 50% by 2020. Profits from the sale of reusable items will be reinvested in waste reduction schemes, as well as supporting local charities. A reuse workshop will also be built into the site to support this vital work.
To enable Bristol Waste to make the changes, the opening hours for the site will be changing from Monday 2 September 2019 until the end of the year.
The site will remain open to the public on Friday’s, Saturdays and Sundays during the redevelopment. Extended opening hours will be in place until Monday 25 October 2019 and additional staff and capacity will be in place at the city’s other Household Waste and Recycling Centre in St Philips.
To mark the site’s change in focus from disposal to reuse, the site will change name to the Household Reuse and Recycling Centre. It is hoped that the changes will help Bristol increase its already impressive recycling rate, being the number one core city in England, and encourage reuse.
Tony Lawless, Managing Director, Bristol Waste Company said: “The importance of having the right infrastructure in place to help Bristol waste less and recycle more has never been clearer. We are constantly striving to develop a more sustainable city. This exciting new site, with Bristol Waste’s first ever reuse shop, will save valuable resources, offer low cost household items to local residents and help us reach our ambitious recycling target of 50% by 2020.
“We are also delighted to announce that the improvements to the existing site will give residents reduced waiting times, better access, more materials accepted and a safer environment.”
For updates visit: www.bristolwastecompany.co.uk/avonmouth-updates