Top Tips: Looking After Yourself At Work

Ask for help – if you’re finding your work load too much, it’s fine to ask for help; we’re not superhuman!

Take time off – take breaks from work. A long weekend away or even just time off to potter at home can be the welcome break we need

Stay Active – exercise is not only good for the body, but also for the mind

Use your journey home to wind down from work – listen to music, read a book on the bus or practice some mindfulness techniques. Anything to move your mind away from your day at work

Put yourself before work – it may pay the bills, but your health is more important than work. If work is causing you too much stress in your life, maybe a change is needed

Need more help?

If you are struggling with your mental health at work, you can get support from Mental Health Employment Service. For more information call 0117 9232 741 or email