We are now welcoming applications to join our Board of Trustees here at the Trust. Come and be part of something fantastic at the heart of our community. Bring your interests and skills to volunteer on a team which makes a real difference.
Our organisation is run for residents, by residents, and you will help to make the best decisions in response to what our community wants and where areas for support have been identified. Join us to help continue to make a difference to what happens in Southmead and its neighbouring areas.
We are particularly keen to hear from candidates who reflect the diversity of our communities. Applicants must be aged 18+ and be on the electoral roll for the Southmead Ward.
Closing date for applications: 08:00am on Monday 21st November.
Elections will take part during our AGM on Monday 28th November, 6:45pm, at the Greenway Centre.
Do get in touch for more information and an application pack. Contact Amy Kinnear, CEO, email: amykinnear@southmead.org, tel: 07783 330 725
To read more about what we do click HERE
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