Woo Hoo it’s The Southmead Celebration!

From the 16th to the 22nd of August we’re all invited to a week of community fun.  Rumour has it there’ll be musical performances, activities, crafts, food, perhaps a funfair, and maybe even a headline act from a really popular local band!  Watch this space!

Because the brilliant annual Southmead Festival brings more than a thousand people together at the same time, last year it had to be cancelled.  This year more than half of the UK’s summer festivals have been cancelled again due to Covid uncertainty.  We wanted to find a way to keep the Southmead Festival spirit going, keep us all entertained close to home, and still keep us safe.  Hence the idea for The Southmead Celebration – a week’s programme of festivities where we can pop in and out of whatever takes our fancy and feels comfortable to attend.

The focus of the week is very much about what residents can offer each other.  As well as being invited to come and join in, everyone in Southmead is invited to provide entertainment and activities.  Some of Southmead’s groups are already planning what to offer.  What can you do?  Do you sing, dance, are you in a band?  Do you have a skill to share or teach?  Do you love to run quizzes, exhibitions, shows or competitions?  Southmead Residents know what Southmead Residents like and anything goes.

All you need to do to get involved is to follow the link below and fill in a few details about your idea.  The Celebration team can then find the right time and space for your session, and advertise it in the programme.  Some groups want to offer something every day, some just once.  There are morning, afternoon and evening slots available – we just need to know what you need as soon as possible to book you in.

Once arrangements have been made we will share the programme so everyone can plan to come along to the bits they want to and feel safe to.  Events will take place at two venues, either the Greenway Centre or The Ranch, and anything indoors will be organised with social distancing measures in mind.  The new café at Greenway – Café Des Amis – will be open throughout the week for refreshments.

So imagine elements of the Southmead Festival spread over a week for you to pick and choose from – and that’s The Southmead Celebration.  There’ll be something for everyone and a chance for everyone to offer something!  We can’t wait to see you there.

If you’d like to talk through your idea please telephone Lucille Smith at the Greenway Centre on 0117 950 3335.

Please follow this link to fill in the form with your idea details> The Southmead Celebration

Changed deadline The Southmead Celebration