Climate Conversations Kick Off in Southmead – Have Your Say!

Did you see the Conversation Corner team at Southmead Festival? You may have seen us with sunflowers in our hair staying bright during the downpour, and handing out sunflower seeds in packets made of recycled copies of The Mead. 

Southmead Festival marked the beginning of conversations for Southmead’s Climate Action Plan. Through rain and shine the team had discussions about actions we could take for climate and nature in our community, with ideas gathered on a big pin board. It’s only been one day of conversations and already I love the things I’m hearing! Trees, solar panels, clothes swaps, and repair cafes – all ideas, big and small, are welcome.

I’d love to hear what’s already going on too. Do you know someone who’s great at fixing things? Is there a local champion for wildlife? Do you have a neighbour who’s a wizard at meal prepping and food sharing? It’s important to celebrate what’s already happening and know what we can build on.

Southmead’s Climate Action Plan is for everyone. Gathering our hopes and ideas to make this plan means our voices can be heard when Bristol is making decisions about climate and nature. The transition to a climate and nature friendly Bristol needs to be fair and healthy for all. It also means that we know the direction which residents, community groups, and workers would like to go in for future projects. So, it’s important that as many people as possible are involved.

Here’s how you can be involved, and spread the word about this important and valuable opportunity for our community.

Take part in the community survey HERE.

You can come and chat to me and Lucille (in the pic!) at our pop-up spots throughout August and July. The dates are below.

Do you know someone who is passionate about an idea or already does amazing ‘green’ stuff – put me in touch!

If you’d like to chat more, or for me to come and visit your group then do please get in touch via or leave me a message on 0117 950 3335.

Pop Up Dates

  • Wednesday 9th August – Arnside, 2-4pm
  • Wednesday 16th August – Arnside, 10am-4pm
  • Wednesday 23rd August – Arnside, 10am-12pm
  • Wednesday 6th September – Arnside, 2-4pm
  • Wednesday 13th September – Greenway Centre, 2-4pm
  • Wednesday 20th September – Arnside, 10am-12pm
  • Wednesday 27th September – Greenway Centre, 6-8pm
A green piece of paper is pinned to a blue pinboard and it says "My favourite thing about nature is how you can explore and find different things"
Two gazebos with colourful bunting under which are there comfy chairs covered in blankets. There is a painted sign which says Conversation Corner. Under the gazebos stand four people readying a table with information for a community festival.