Great News for The Mead indeed!

Do you remember the last printed edition of The Mead before the pandemic? Pictured above, it was packed with all things Southmead and was, as ever, well received by our off-line residents. We know The Mead has particular fans at The Woodnook (hello Woodnook!) and we’re always keen to find areas in the community where residents would like to receive community news and notices on paper (do let us know).

The pandemic put printed editions on hold for two years, but even before the pandemic The Mead was beginning to struggle with just one Volunteer doing all the tasks necessary to keep it going.  During lock-down, like many of us, our Volunteer had some health and family set-backs and so couldn’t
bring back the printed editions without more support, and income to meet rising printing costs.

Residents have made it very clear that The Mead is needed and have been constantly asking when it’s coming back. The Southmead Development Trust have listened to this and we are delighted that the Board of Trustees voted unanimously to sponsor and support The Mead for the next two
years. This is fantastic news and means a small team of staff at the Trust can facilitate the editions, build back to volunteers team, and work closely with residents who want to write and add their own items and articles.

With the Trust’s backing The Mead can only become more secure and in turn a much improved publication.  A huge thank you to the Trust for agreeing to back The Mead and for prioritising community communications.

If you would like support or advice about writing or submitting your item, notice, events, pictures, poetry, or anything else, please contact Lucille Smith, Community Development Lead, email: or tel: 0117 950 3335.

The Mead is open to everyone to submit their items and to self self-publish on The Mead website.