M2M 5: Fab Living On The Mead

Why does Edgar need a clean white sheet?  What’s Iris doing with all those American soldiers’ uniforms?  Has Rose been securing extra rations on the black market?  And what’s Bob’s wardrobe doing in Ruby’s front garden?

Southmead’s very own community soap opera is back! Continuing our tradition of telling the true stories from people who have lived, worked, and grown up in Southmead, Meadows to Meaders 5: Fab Living on the Mead will be exploring Badock’s Wood and taking a peek inside the prefabs built as emergency housing just after the Second World War.

Our amazing cast, after performing in Orpheus and Eurydice on Bristol Old Vic’s main stage for three nights to packed auditoriums and standing ovations, are now returning to Southmead to provide a glimpse into its past.

Always up for an adventure, this time our cast will be performing outdoors in Badock’s Wood with the ‘Tump’ (Bronze age burial mound) as the stage, building dens on the remaining foundations of the Bowness Gardens post-war pre fabs, and recalling the lost village of Charlton and makeshift wartime kids’ cinema.

Interested in getting involved?  We are always looking for people to join our friendly cast and if you would like to join in, or just find out what it is all about, then come along and meet us – on Tuesdays we meet up at the Greenway Centre at 1.30pm.

Anyone got a spare wardrobe?  Without giving too much away, we also need to source a large freestanding wardrobe – perhaps you know of someone who has one that is taking up too much room in their house or have one that is a bit worse for wear and would be happy for us to take it off your hands. If you have any ideas, then do please get in touch with Ruth Myers (details below).

Our Director, Craig Edwards, will again be adding some musical magic to our show and if there is anyone out there who likes to sing then come and join us.

Save the date!  Meadows to Meaders 5: Fab Living on the Mead will be performed on Saturday 18th May.  Tickets will be available soon from the Greenway Centre for the matinee (with British Sign Language interpretation) or the later performance.

If you have stories to share or would like to get involved, we would love to hear from you.  Contact Ruth, email: Ruth@locallearning.org.uk, or leave a message for her at the Greenway Centre on 0117 950 3335.  If you are online and would like to find out more, visit www.locallearning.org.uk/meadows2meaders.

Photo: Bowness Gardens pre-fabs, courtesy of Julian Lea-Jones (via Friends of Badocks Wood).