Update on Glencoyne Community Led Housing Project

In February 2021 we received planning permission for the community led housing project on Glencoyne Square.  This project aims to meet the huge demand for new and more varied housing options in Southmead and to generate income to help pay for community services.  It is alongside wider plans to improve the area around Arnside now and into the future.

The plans for Glencoyne Square have since been impacted by several things: the pandemic; escalating building costs; and changes in requirements for community space, in particular the decision by Bristol City Council and the NHS not to proceed with a new health centre.

This means the design plans for Glencoyne Square have needed to change.

Residents across the community were involved in these changes through a local survey, exhibition and consultation event.  Thank you to everyone who contributed thoughts and ideas.  We have been able to incorporate many of them in the new design.

Please do go to the Bristol City council planning portal and comment on the revised scheme> here

*Search for reference number 22/03309/F*

For more info do visit the Glencoyne Square project page> here

If you would like to get in touch with us about the project email: info@southmead.org or telephone: 0117 950 3335